A packaging future fit for purpose?

Ambitious new proposals that could substantially cut packaging waste across the European Union are facing criticism from restaurant groups, who…

The Boris agenda: foodservice and the new UK PM

With the keys to Number 10 now firmly in his grasp, Boris Johnson’s top priority list as the new UK…

Countdown to Brexit: consultants air their concerns

The term ‘apocalypse’ currently seems an apt way to describe the Brexit divide. Some see it as the end of…

Countdown to Brexit: implications of UK withdrawal

The current business climate has remained steady, trading wise. But suppliers are having to build their future plans around the…

Countdown to Brexit: preparing for the unknown

With little over one month to go before the UK is scheduled to leave the European Union, many foodservice businesses…

Palming it off? What palm oil restrictions mean for foodservice

Palm oil is doing nothing for diplomacy. The Malaysian government has called for recent upgraded relations with the European Union…

Minimising the uncertainties: The EURIS Brexit Summit

EURIS, an advisory body for the potential impacts of the changing relationship between the UK and EU for the British…

Calories, allergens and traffic lights: the menu labelling debate

Diabetes UK recently hit the headlines when a major survey it conducted found that 84% of the public think the…

GDPR: are foodservice and hospitality firms prepared?

It’s no secret that the online world is teeming with data sharing. And the hospitality sector is no different in…

Businesses and regulators rally as fight against packaging waste heats up

With nearly 100 million tonnes of food wasted annually at a cost of €143bn in the EU alone, entrepreneurs and…