Reducing User Fatigue in the Kitchen

Work in commercial kitchens can be physically tough, which is reflected in the attrition rates of staff. Introducing equipment that lightens the load will help in retaining valuable talent

It’s no secret foodservice operations have some of the highest quit rates — rates that have increased from 4.8% to a whopping 6.9% over the past year, according to a report released in January from the Bureau of Labor Statistics — making finding the labor to keep kitchens running a challenge.

Foodservice operations require a physicality many other jobs don’t, with employees spending 96.4% of their workdays on their feet, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Finding ways to lighten the level of physical exertion on employees can go a long way toward employee retention, and that’s the exact driver behind the creation of T&S Brass’s DuraPull pre-rinse unit.

The most ergonomic pre-rinse unit on the market

DuraPull was built to reduce user fatigue. The innovative pre-rinse unit turns the water on when the handle is pulled down and automatically shuts off upon release.

The handle is heat-insulated, so the hottest water can flow through without causing the user any temperature discomfort. And the handle is ergonomic, designed for both efficiency and comfort.

With a 360-degree swivel rotation, there’s easy side-to-side reach as well, making the unit simple to use and operate.

Built for efficiency and durability

The physical toll isn’t the only place you’ll see savings with DuraPull. The automatic shut-off upon release eliminates the hold-down ring and can save a significant amount of water.

DuraPull has a spray valve flow rate of 1.07 GPM (gallons per minute), meeting the strictest Department of Energy (DOE) regulations.

T&S is known for its products’ durability, and the DuraPull is no exception. Its heavy-duty construction and 360-degree swivel rotation reduces stress on the hose and other parts.

After vigorous lifecycle testing, T&S offers DuraPull with an industry-leading seven-year warranty, ensuring it will withstand the busiest operations.

Find out more about DuraPull

Reducing the toll of labor on foodservice workers is something we should all be striving toward. Invest in your employees by investing in DuraPull from T&S, where comfort and durability go hand-in-hand.

Learn more about what DuraPull can offer busy kitchens: