Greater EfficienC obtained through latest Lec Bottle Cooler

Building on research and developments Lec Commercial has developed the new EfficienC range of sustainable, environmentally friendly bottle coolers

As a leading name in the provision of high quality catering refrigeration units for over 70 years, Lec Commercial is one of the most trusted and widely recognised brands within the industry. Building on extensive research and developments Lec Commercial has developed the new EfficienC range of sustainable, environmentally friendly bottle coolers that not only look good, but can also help the operator save considerably on rising overheads.

The key benefit of the Lec EfficienC Bottle Cooler Range is that it has been approved as part of the government funded Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme (ECA) which allows businesses to claim 100% first year capital allowances on investments in energy saving technologies and products. As such, Lec EfficienC Bottle Coolers could mean significant tax savings in year one of purchase, as well as lower energy costs for the life of the product.

It is estimated that by simply purchasing just three, LEC double door EfficienC units you could save around £150 in the first year of purchase in comparison to if you had bought the standard Lec Bottle Coolers.  With further energy savings of 35% being achieved over the life of each unit, it’s clear to see the benefit to the operator.


The ideal solution for a back bar environment, the EfficienC range has been designed with style and the environment in mind and will ensure drinks products are not only maintained at the correct temperature but are showcased in the best way to the customer.

Available in both single and double door models and finished in a choice of striking black or a high-gloss stainless steel, the units fit effortlessly with the current décor in an establishment. It’s not just the exterior which is set to excite caterer as the EfficienC range comes with an impressive capacity. The single door model utilises a 150 litre capacity, which is capable of holding up to 106x330ml bottles, whilst the double door model utilises a 225 litre capacity, making it large enough to store up to 180x330ml bottles. With front facing vents and a controlled internal airflow the units provide superior cold air distribution, while allowing operators to position against walls for ultimate space optimisation.

Diane Ho, Commercial Brand Manager for Glen Dimplex, explains it is not just the look and capacity which will impress the operator, the chance to significantly save on energy consumption will have major impacts:

“With business overheads and energy costs rising faster than previously seen, caterers are looking for simple but effective ways to reduce consumption. The new EfficienC range is able to do just that. ECA approval on the entire range provides caterers with a significant opportunity to claw back corporation tax, giving operators a potential average saving of £150 in just the first year alone. The use of R600a refrigerant also provides a greener, more environmentally friendly and effective cooling system which can save up to 45% energy compared to other refrigerant types. Enhanced levels of insulation combined with self-closing doors, maximise efficiency, while forced air cooling, to aid faster temperature recovery, work together to ensure the EfficienC range is our greenest, most sustainable product range yet.”

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