Close encounters of the first kind with Winterhalter at Hotelympia 2016

Winterhalter's brand new UF series to launch at Hotelympia 2016


The Winterhalter stand, 3540, at Hotelympia 2016, taking place from 29th February to 3rd March at ExCel London, will be full of UK firsts. The launch of the UF Series of utensil washers will give operators the best results even with the most stubborn baked-on deposits. Meanwhile, a major feature of the stand will be two simulator cabins that visitors can enter to fully appreciate the effects of the ClimatePlus on the kitchen environment, as well as the workings of the new UF utensil washer.

The UF simulator replicates a giant utensil washer, including the wash arm, so visitors can understand how the new UF Series achieves its sparkling clean results. The new machines take advantage of Winterhalter’s VarioPower technology, which allows the wash pressure to be individually adjusted depending on the items being washed and the degree of soiling. The wash arm design, which gives more power and coverage, coupled with customised washing programmes depending on the type and extent of soiling on the utensils, ensure every item is thoroughly cleaned. For really stubborn baked-on deposits Winterhalter has developed a ‘Crust Cracker’ chemical, which acts before the washing program begins, negating the need for manual pre-washing.

Other new features of the UF machines are foldable doors, giving the staff clear access to the interior of the machine and a new rack dolly that means staff can collect dirty utensils and pots before easily pushing the heavy, loaded rack directly from the dolly into the machine. The clean dishes can then be pushed back to the work stations in the same way.

Winterhalter offers the new UF Series machines in three different sizes. Depending on the available space and the size of the items being washed, customers can choose from the UF-M (medium), UF-L (large) and UF-XL (extra large) models.

The PT ClimatePlus simulator will demonstrate how the warewasher actually cools down a hot kitchen. The PT ClimatePlus passthrough is both a highly effective dishwasher and an air conditioner. Through clever heat exchange technology, the machine not only reuses the energy contained in the steam and waste water inside the machine, but it also extracts the energy contained in the hot atmosphere of the kitchen.  It uses this energy to heat up the incoming water supply – slashing energy consumption by up to 53%. This reduces not only running costs but also reduce the amount of extraction that a kitchen requires – plus, it improves the working environment. When the air in the kitchen reaches 25°C, the PT ClimatePlus sends its clean, dry exhaust air cooled to around 18°C, back into the room.

Winterhalter provides a total solution for warewashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance. Alongside its market-leading dish and glasswashers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, cleaning chemicals and detergents. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, see, or, or email