Two top European design consultants and Rick Caron of Welbilt address how sustainability has finally earned its seat at the foodservice industry table

On Monday June 14, 2021, two top FCSI Europe Africa Middle East (EAME) design consultants, plus Rick Caron, executive vice president & chief innovation officer of Welbilt, Inc., met for a virtual FCSI roundtable to discuss the innovation, best practice and new thinking that is helping foodservice operators to put energy-saving processes at the heart of their operations.

The ‘Future-tech’ series roundtable also addressed how sustainability has finally earned its seat at the table and become a genuine hot-button industry for the foodservice industry. Looking at the impact on people, profits and planet, the roundtable explored why operators, suppliers and manufacturers have finally become convinced that equipment, processes and practices that save energy and prevent waste can also save a considerable amount of money in return.

Chaired by Michael Jones of FCSI’s Foodservice Consultant magazine, the roundtable saw leading designers Alexander Hofer FCSI, CEO, H44Team and Vinoo André Mehera FCSI, CEO, promaFox International HotelProject Management AG discuss all aspects of sustainability – with a particular focus on European foodservice.

The roundtable, sponsored by Welbilt Inc., also takes in:

  • How foodservice operators in EMEA – and the partners they work with – have adapted operations to become more sustainable and energy efficient, despite the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis.
  • How technology/equipment has helped operators to become more sustainable/energy efficient.
  • Whether the catalyst for this has been primarily an environmental imperative, increased customer pressure, or a growing belief that it’s simply now more cost effective to act sustainably.
  • The consultants’ role in making a kitchen more energy efficient process and how new design layouts are helping foodservice operators to adapt their offering – facilitated by new protocol, smart thinking and improved technology.
  • How vital preventing, reducing and measuring food waste is to operators.
  • How plant-based menus are here to stay in force and how that is changing the paradigm.
  • Where innovation is heading and what the future looks like for a more sustainable foodservice sector.
  • The future of sustainable, energy efficient kitchens.

You can watch the video of the roundtable below:

Further details:

Check out previous FCSI Future-tech roundtables, supported by Welbilt, Inc., on technology and equipment innovation, here, on education foodservice, here, on B&I dining, here and healthcare dining, here.

To find out more about our sponsor Welbilt, Inc., please visit here.