Watch: the best of FCSI’s In My View

Check out the highlights from the series of In My View video interviews with FCSI consultants around the world as they talk about their work and life with Tina Nielsen

In recent months, Foodservice Consultant has connected with FCSI consultants around the world for our first season of In My View video interviews.

Revisit some of the best bits from a selection of these interviews to find out more about the work and life of consultants in Malaysia, the Netherlands and the UK.

Click below to watch:


In each episode of the interviews, sponsored by Kason, consultants speak about their career in foodservice as they share their top advice, inspiration, favourite food and fantasy dinner guests.

Check out the full versions of previous ‘In My View’ episodes with Stijn Creemers FCSIBrandon Kua FCSI, Brett Daniel FCSI and FCSI Associate Sojo Alex 

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