Feedback is essential to any organisation – provided it is learned from – and FCSI is no different. In October/early November 2019 we asked readers via an online survey to tell us what they thought about the Society’s quarterly magazine Foodservice Consultant and its accompanying print supplements, plus the digital offering from FCSI Worldwide.
The findings reflected an engaged and global readership who enjoy what they see and read in print and online, but would also like to experience an evolved website to suit their needs going forward. Here are the major findings of the survey.
The magazine: Foodservice Consultant
Of the respondents who read the magazine in print or via the digital edition, 91% said the design is either high or very high quality, while 86% of respondents said the editorial content is either high or very high quality.
99% of respondents said Foodservice Consultant was either equal to or better than other industry publications. 77% agreed or strongly agreed that Foodservice Consultant was a valued part of their FCSI membership, while the average reading time per issue averaged at an impressive 31 minutes.
The anecdotal feedback in the survey’s ‘additional comments’ section was similarly encouraging. “[The magazine] helps me stay up to date in the foodservice/hospitality industry,” said one Americas professional member. [It’s a] “very good combination of trends and best practice examples,” commented an EAME professional member. “Beautifully produced and well-written!” said an Americas Allied member.
“I would like to see more influences and trends in Southern Africa,” said one EAME unaffiliated member. “It would be nice if smaller companies were featured in the magazine instead of always the larger companies,” said an FCSI The Americas professional member, which is incredibly useful feedback for us on the editorial team to hear.
The website and wider digital portfolio
Moving to the website, 85% of survey respondents told us that they thought the website design was either ‘high’ or ‘very high’ quality. In terms of the online editorial content, 72% said the editorial content was either high or very high quality. In the ‘additional comments’ section of the survey, a few members commented that they felt the website was “too newspaper-like” or “hard to navigate” and that it needed better signposting for potential clients to “find members”.
This is all very valid feedback. We are listening and will update the website in 2020 in order to reflect this with improved navigation and signposting.
Regarding the weekly emailed newsletter, 96% of respondents signed up to it either agreed or strongly agreed that it met their needs. “The newsletter is good and I enjoy getting the email,” said one respondent. For those digitals natives with the Foodservice Consultant magazine app on their devices, 78% either agreed or strongly agreed it was a valued part of their membership.
Moving forward
Overall, we are pleased with the survey results. They hopefully reflect the hard work that goes into ensuring the magazine’s position as the leading title in the industry, supported by a digital output that keeps readers informed for when they are on the go. Nevertheless, the team remains dedicated to evolving what we deliver to readers, so we are always trying to find new ways in which we can further develop the portfolio. And that includes a host of event-led, in person experiences, such as roundtables and panel sessions, as well as video and podcasts in 2020.
So, a big thank you to all those readers who took part in the survey. Your involvement is invaluable and your feedback, through this survey or otherwise, is essential for us to keep improving what we offer to you. If you’d like to give us any additional feedback, please mail us here.
And finally, many congratulations to FCSI Professional member Serdar Sağlamtunç FCSI who was chosen randomly from all of the respondents to be the lucky winner of $250 worth of Amazon vouchers.
While we have your attention, if you are an Allied member interested in engaging further with readers through the print and digital channels, please note it is a great time to book up your 2020 commercial activity with us, so please contact natasha.merkel@progressivecontent.com to discuss the range of options we have to suit your needs.
Michael Jones