Leading FCSI The Americas consultants joined a virtual panel discussion, supported by Spring USA, as part of the Innovation Spotlight series, which sees consultants join industry professionals to discuss how smart new technologies are helping operators to provide the best service possible while assisting consultants
Chaired by Tina Nielsen, editor of FCSI’s Foodservice Consultant magazine, the discussion saw foodservice consultants Linda Callahan FCSI, director and lead foodservice consultant, Next Step Design; and Chris Bigelow FCSI, founder and president, The Bigelow Companies join Dean Thompson, corporate director of culinary operations, Concord Hospitality and Nick Lekos, global director of sales, Spring USA for an expansive conversation.
The panel covered topics, including:
- The current and next trends in induction technology
- The implementation of functional furniture in different hospitality settings
- Mobile solutions in foodservice
- The future evolution of the buffet
- Future opportunities and challenges for operators and consultants