New England Chapter of FCSI donates $20,000

$20,000 was raised for charity at the New England FCSI chapter's 10th annual Holiday Social. Pictured above are Eric Swartz, father of Emily Swartz and executive chef at Davio’s Boston (left) with Edward Arons, Chairman of FCSI New England, senior associate at Colburn & Guyette Foodservice.


At a recent gathering in Boston, MA, the New England Chapter of the Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI) celebrated their 10th annual Holiday Social and raised $20,000 for the Greater Boston Food Bank and the Emily A. Swartz Scholarship Foundation.

“It’s important to us that we support our industry, spend time with friends and help others at this time of year”, says Edward Arons, Chairman of the local FCSI chapter and Senior Associate at Colburn & Guyette, a foodservice design firm based out of Rockland, MA. “After 10 years of donating to the Food bank, it has become tradition, and this year we wanted to continue that tradition as well as start a new one”.

In addition to the Greater Boston Food Bank, FCSI New England will be donating to a local charity as well. This year’s recipient is the Emily A. Swartz Scholarship Foundation, which was created in memorial of Emily Swartz. The daughter of Davio’s executive chef, Eric Swartz, Emily was in fourth grade at Indian Brook Elementary in Plymouth, MA when she passed away suddenly in June 2013. While this foundation is still in its infancy its goal is to give back to the school and community programmes that Emily loved most.

In order to be able to make this contribution, the following companies sponsored the event, which was held at Davio’s in downtown Boston and attended by more than 100 industry people from around the country. Gold Sponsors: C.R. Peterson, Continental Refrigerator, Dave Swain Associates, Hatch-Jennings, Hobart/Traulsen/Vulcan, True Food Service Equipment. Silver Sponsors: Alto Shaam, Earthstone Ovens & the Viola Group. Bronze Sponsors: Advance/Tabco, Air Solutions & Balancing, American Panel, BSI, Champion Industries, Crowley Marketing, Eagle Group, English Manufacturing, Follett, Keating of Chicago, Lang, Marlo Mfg., Montague, Salvajor, T&S Brass, ThermalRite, TJM Consulting, Unified Brands, Univex Corp., Victory Refrigeration & Wyllie Marketing. The New England chapter of FCSI also made a sizeable contribution.

This annual event is one of two large charity fundraisers organized by the New England chapter of the FCSI.

For more information, please contact New England Chapter Secretary, Chandra Comfort at (781) 826-5522.