The software, which MAFSI has called SpecPath, will collate and analyse data of ongoing projects. It will allow co-operation across regions, stakeholders and manufactures, a process which has in the past been “incredibly laborious”, said Joe Ferri, current MAFSI president. “And that kind of cross co-operation hardly ever happens,” he added.
According to research carried out by MAFSI, 38.7% of the organisation’s members lose up to $25,000 in missed credits every year. A shortfall that could be eased by better understanding of the data, the organisation says.
The data provided by Specpath will help calculate the commission individual participants in a project are owed Tom Jedlowski, MAFSI associate executive director, told Foodservice Consultant. But, he said, it will also allow participants to gather more accurate data on “what other consultants are specifying and who else bid on the project”.
The software will be released on a subscription basis, said Jedlowski, although MAFSI has not “firmed up” pricing. The organisation will be conducting a ‘webinar’ later this month.
Ellie Clayton