Blog: Remko van der Graaff FCSI

The FCSI EAME 2018 Conference on 18-20 October in Rotterdam, Netherlands, will focus on why people are central to the future of foodservice, says FCSI EAME chair Remko van der Graaff

Earlier this week I had a final planning meeting for next week’s FCSI EAME 2018 Conference in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The meeting, with Elonique Dalhuisen, executive director of FCSI EAME, and Tina Nielsen and Michael Jones of Progressive Content who will chair the Conference, was arranged to put the final touches on the event.

Insight, education and entertainment

I am delighted to tell you we will be putting on an insight-filled, educational and entertaining event for FCSI EAME members.

The theme of the Conference on board the SS Rotterdam is ‘The Future of foodservice’, so naturally we will be looking at topics as varied as robotics, enhanced social media, BIM and the future of farming. But while technological innovation will feature prominently at the Conference, we have not lost sight of the fact that people should always be at the heart of a successful foodservice and hospitality operation. The human factor is what makes this industry – and FCSI itself – so special.


Sharing, supporting, inspiring

FCSI’s motto of ‘We share, we support, we inspire’ has guided us completely in our planning for the Conference. We are very looking forward to sharing an inspirational event with you that will support what you do and inspire you in your business.

We also promise you a relaxed few days in Rotterdam, with a big emphasis on fun. I firmly believe happy people create more happy people and I want everyone who attends the Conference to leave feeling happy they have shared a great event with their colleagues.

The event would not be possible without the support of our sponsors, who I thank in advance for their partnership. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing many of you next week and hope you have a wonderful time in Rotterdam.

Remko van der Graaff FCSI