In pictures: FCSI APD event: Central Kitchens – The Future is Now!

The FCSI Asia Pacific Division (APD) conference ‘Central Kitchens – The Future is Now!’ was held on 19 September at Food & Hotel Malaysia (FHM) 2023

On 19 September 2023, an FCSI Asia Pacific Division (APD) conference titled ‘Central Kitchens – The Future is Now!’ was held at Food & Hotel Malaysia (FHM) 2023 in the Hospitality Lounge.

During the conference, a newly elected FCSI APD Board was announced:

Ben Gregoire Chair
Phil Llewellyn Treasurer/ secretary
Larry Andersen Trustee
Alburn William Trustree
Andrew Brain FCSI Immediate past chair
Greg O’Connell Allied Representative

Regional representatives
Thomas Lai – China
Jimmy Wong-AIA,FCSI Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau
Vant Tan Southeast Asia
Joseph R Albert – India & South Asia
Phil Llewellyn New Zealand

The newly elected FCSI APD Board (minus Larry Anderson and Greg O’Connell)

The program

The four-hour industry conference focused on restaurants, retail food-service operations, hotels and resorts, unlocking the secrets to maximizing production efficiencies through supply chain optimisation and cutting-edge equipment selection.

The conference encompasses the crucial significance of central kitchens for chain outlets, operational know-how and key design considerations. Speaker presentations included:

  • Alburn William FCSI, president of CKP and Mario Sequeira FCSI, president of FCSI Worldwide, addressing ‘An Introduction to FCSI’
  • Chin Ren Yi, Co-founder and Managing Director, MyBurgerLab, addressing ‘Why Do Businesses Consider a Central Kitchen?’
  • Chung Ky Soh, Executive Director, Bangi Group of Companies, addressing ‘How Do You Properly Operate a Central Kitchen?’
  • Ahmed Subactogin, Managing Director, Par Synergy, addressing ‘What Are the Design Considerations in Creating a Central Kitchen That Meets an Enterprise’s Business Objective?’

Check out a selection of images below.

Further details:

The inaugural FCSI APD Conference will take place on 13-17 November 2023 in Australia, focusing on ‘The Business of Foodservice Consulting’. To express your interest in attending the Conference, please RSVP to