Foodservice Consultant 2023 media pack

A new year brings a packed program of new content in the print magazine, plus on the website, at in-person shows and on video. Download the media pack here

The latest media pack for FCSI’s Foodservice Consultant portfolio is now available. To find out more about exciting new editorial initiatives throughout 2023, plus sponsorship opportunities and new advertising rates for FCSI Allied members across print, digital and at industry events, please click on the link below:

FCSI_media pack_2023

From special supplements, brand new podcast and video series to whitepapers and roundtable and panel session opportunities at major industry shows and FCSI events,  the updated media pack contains a comprehensive breakdown of what’s new, along with popular, perennial favorites.

Further details:

If you are interested in learning more about the FCSI’s Foodservice Consultant 2023 editorial calendar, please email

To find out more about about sponsorship and advertising opportunities, please contact